Green Barley – A Storehouse of Active Ingredients

Dr. Hagiwara discovered that green barley was not only an excellent source, but also one of the richest sources, of the entire broad spectrum of nutrients required by man for growth. repair and well-being. Green barley contains surprisingly great amounts of active components such as enzymes, chlorophyll, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and proteins. These essential nutrients are vital in maintaining heaith.
“It is diet which maintains true health and becomes the best drug.”
“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.”
One of the unique characteristics of dried barley leaves is their hundred of LIVE enzymes. Enzymes are the body’s lab our force in performing all chemical and biological processes in the body.
Depleting our enzyme supple result in a weakened immune system. Weakening our immune system makes us prime targets for cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, AIDS, allergies and a whole host of other degenerative diseases.
Some of the best news about green barley leaves is in the presence of several dynamic enzymes. These particular enzymes neutralize poisons, resolve all sorts of cancer causing petroleum based nitro compounds, strengthen the body to resist and counteract mutations (damaged cells which can cause birth defects, cancers etc.) heal ulcers and other inflammatory lesions and that is only a partial list!
Most importantly, one enzyme in dried barley juice called P4D1 is known to stimulate the repair of DNA, including even that in the reproductive cells.
The anti-aging enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) in dried barley juice is a super scavenger enzyme that ferrets out and destroys the damaging free radicals, chemical byproducts of normal cellular metabolism. Free radicals are highly reactive and unstable, due to their unpaired electron, and will attack any molecule in our body, damaging many of the components of a cell, including DNA.
Besides, SOD acts as a cellular anti-oxidant, protecting against radiation and chemical free radicals from pollution, as well as acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and preventing cellular damage following heart attack.
One of the most powerful components of dried barley juice is its rich chlorophyll content. it has 66 times more chlorophyll than spinach. Chlorophyll is the green colour in plants and is designed to function as the BLOOD of the plant.
Similarity between chlorophyll and the red pigment in blood, chlorophyll helps in stimulating red blood cells in connection with blood supply and improves anemia conditions.
Based upon research study conclusions, chlorophyll is shown to be effective in treating bad breath, and all body odors even those caused by colostomies, severe bums, bone infections, perspiration, etc.
Chlorophyll is a good detoxifier. It helps to counteract toxins. Chlorophyll has also proven to be a wound healer, help in eye, ear, nose and throat problems, in chronic sinus and ulcer cases and many more. It was shown to be most effective of 11 different agents (including sulfa drugs, penicillin, etc.) in healing bedsores.
Lastly, chlorophyll seems to provide specific help in allergies and inflammatory diseases like arthritis. The way it does this is still in the realm of that their health has been restored through the inclusion of daily servings of green barley concentrate.
Minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium are essential to maintain health. For example, potassium is contained inherently in the cells of a living organism to become a source of life activity. Potassium is an especially important mineral because it has a very high ionizing tendency. It is consumed incessantly within our bodies in the process of energy metabolism.
The King of Alkaline Foods
One of the important functions of minerals in our bodies is to maintain the balance between acid and alkaline. The scale indicates acidity from 0-7.0 and alkalinity from 7.0-14.0.
Barley grows very well in alkaline soil, so it comes as no surprise that the green leaves of barley tests, in the laboratory, as one of the most alkaline of all natural foods. It is well known in medical circles that many diseases thrive in an acid medium; only a few can survive an alkaline pH. Recently an M.D. made the statement that the pH of the average American is 5.4 instead of the ideal 7.35-7.45.
Our systemic acid condition may be attributed to our high intake of meat (beef, pork, veal, chicken, turkey, etc.), high sugar and soft-drink consumption and excessive consumption of preserved foods.
Vitamins impart activity to enzymes within the body, thus promoting metabolism. Vitamins also assist the body in maintaining health against a variety of well-known diseases and conditions.
Nutritional science has well documented these specific conditions and the quantities of vitamins required for effective prevention.
Hypervitaminosis, caused by excessive vitamin ingestion, is almost always associated with synthetic vitamin preparation, hardly ever with natural vitamins. Green barley is an excellent source of live, natural vitamins and is sufficient which can be taken for long period of time without risk of side effect.
Young barley leaves are an excellent source of all the essential amino acids. (From these the body can make all of the other amino acids.) According to Dr. Hagiwara, green barley leaves is more than 40 percent protein by weight, which is about 90 percent usable. Green barley provides protein in the form of ‘polypeptides’, smaller proteins that can be directly absorbed by the blood, where they promote cell metabolism.
Many Americans seem to have the wrong idea about protein. In their minds is the idea that we need MEAT to grow big muscles with great strength and great endurance-ability to work long hours at hard jobs and without much fatigue.
This is not at all true. Plant proteins are excellent at achieving the above goals as long as they are properly combined and consumed at the same meal. For example, rice and beans make a protein that will achieve the same body function as meat, if eaten in the right quantities.
Many studies have shown that vegetarian diets, which incorporate adequate amounts of grains, legumes, nuts, sprouts, etc., produce healthy people. In recent years, the 9 years study of Seventh day Adventists done at Loma Linda University comparing these vegetarians with an equal number of the general population of California who were omnivores showed the Adventists significantly ahead of the other group in every test. They have less degenerative disease and were more productive in their work. Vegetable proteins are most utilized by the body and have the added advantage of adding no fat and no cholesterol to the diet.