About Green Barley Leaves

Green Barley Leaves — is the natural food that has balance nutrition, which we need. It contains live enzymes, which effectively eliminate harmful free radicals in our body and having the effect of anti-aging. The chlorophyll in. the barley leaves can neutralize or eliminate toxins in our blood cells and decreases swollen wounds.

Alkaline Food

In addition, barley leaves is also one of the most alkaline food, which can help adjust the pH level in our blood. Beside, barley leaves is also the best food to supplement nutrition to our body, not only it contained natural minerals, vitamins and proteins, but also provide the necessary amino acids and fatty acids to our body. 

Pure Energy Food

Dr. Mary Ruth Swope believes barley leaves is a pure energy food and has stated barley leaves provides more antibodies to protect our body from modern sickness. According to nutritionist Dr. Mary Ruth Swope from the US and Japanese Professor Hagiwara’s years of research and experience, they had discovered barley leaves juice is not only a high nutrition food, but also with high healing power. Thus, barley leaves juice helps in most sickness suffering today:

  • Decrease tiredness, increase energy
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Improves brown spots and skin problems
  • Assist in reducing aging rate
  • Helps in healing wounds
  • Significantly reduce mouth, body odour
  • Helps in menopause
  • Helps in dieting / adjusting body weight
  • Smoothen digestion
  • Helps reduce constipation condition
  • Helps in preventing chronic diseases
  • Enhance respiration system
  • Reduce muscle pain
  • Helps healing migraine
  • Cell renewal
  • Improve gastric problems
  • Smoothen blood circulation
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